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Wednesday, January 16, 2019



Question # 01:
A 12-year-old female is brought to the ED because she has altered consciousness, headache and fever of 1020F for 2 days. You examined her and you found no meningeal signs, but she requires repeated tactile stimulation to maintain arousal, she is not oriented except to person, makes frequent paraphasic errors, and can recall just one of three objects after a distracting task. The rest of the neurologic examination is unremarkable.
Lumbar puncture was done and CSF analysis shows a red blood cell count of 25 cells/hpf; white blood cell count of 120 cells/hpf with a lymphocytic predominance; glucose of 70 mg/dL; and protein of 95 mg/dL.
What is the best treatment to be initiated at this time?
A. Iduroxidine
B. Ceftriaxone
C. Vidarabine
D. Solumedrol
E. Acyclovir

Question # 02:
A 2 days old full-term infant has been evaluated for irritability and microcephaly. He is a product of uncomplicated pregnancy, labor and delivery for a healthy mother. Head ultrasonography and CT scan showed enlarged posterior horns of the lateral ventricles and punctuate calcifications which are both periventricular and diffuse. On neurological examination, he has increased tone and hyperreflexia. A dilated funduscopic exam shows a large area of absent retina with hyperpigmented margins.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Congenital cytomegalovirus infection
B. Congenital toxoplasmosis
C. Congenital herpes simplex type 1
D. Congenital rubella
E. Congenital syphilis

Question # 03:

You have been asked to see a 5-dayold baby girl in the NICU for possible seizures. She was small for gestational age and born at 32 weeks gestation. On day 2 of life, she has had feeding difficulties and has received phototherapy for jaundice. On your exam, she is micro cephalic, has hepatosplenomegaly, and a purpuric rash.
You ordered head ultrasound which shows ventriculomegaly. Her blood labs elevated aminotransferases, direct and indirect hyperbilirubinemia, thrombocytopenia, and hemolytic anemia.
Which test is most likely to confirm this patient’s diagnosis?
A. Bone marrow biopsy
B. Head CT scan
C. Ophthalmologic examination
D. Rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test
E. Urine CMV culture

Question # 04:
A 13-year-old female came to the office with 2 days history of right facial weakness and she is unable to close her right eye. She has trouble sucking from a straw and also, she has drooling from her right side of the mouth. She denies paresthesias, ear pain or hyperacusis. On skin examination you note the following:
The most likely infectious agent causing the above symptoms is:
A. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1
B. Borrelia burgdorferi
C. Rickettsia rickettsii
D. Mycoplasma pneumonia
E. Tuberculosis 

Question # 05:
The best treatment option for the patient in question # 04 is:
A. Acyclovir
B. Forscarnet
C. Doxycycline
D. Azithromycin
E. Fluconazole