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Friday, December 28, 2018


If a mother is PPD positive and has a negative chest x-ray, the newborn infant should be:
A. Separated from the mother
B. Given INH prophylaxis
C. Evaluated with a chest radiography
D. Evaluated with a PPD testing
E. With the mother

A mother has an active pulmonary tuberculosis. 
All of the following statements are true about management of the newborn except:
A. The newborn should receive INH therapy.
B. The newborn should be isolated from the mother regardless of her symptoms during INH therapy.
C. The newborn should be isolated from the mother if she has drug-resistant tuberculosis, she is noncompliance, and she is ill enough to require hospitalization.
D. The newborn should receive INH therapy until the mother’s sputum cultures are negative for at least 3 months.
E. The newborn should receive a Mantoux tuberculin skin test after 3 months of age. If positive, INH should be continued for a total duration of 9-12 months.

The preferred therapy for a pregnant woman with an active pulmonary tuberculosis is a combination of:
A. INH, pyrazinamide, and rifampin
B. INH, ethionamide, and ethambutol
C. Rifampin, ethambutol, and ethionamide
D. INH, rifampin, and ethambutol
E. Streptomycin, INH, and rifampin

The following CSF findings are appropriate for patients with a tuberculous meningitis:
a) Leukocyte counts are 2000, mostly polymorphs, glucose is 8 mg/dL, and protein is 350 mg/dL.
b) Leukocyte counts are 200, mostly lymphocytes, glucose is 50 mg/dL, and protein is 60 mg/dL.
c) Leukocyte counts are 350, mostly monocytes, glucose is 40 mg/dL, and protein is 70 mg/dL.
d) Leukocyte counts are 4,500, mostly lymphocytes, glucose is 30 mg/dL, and protein is 100 mg/dL.
e) Leukocyte counts are 400, mostly lymphocytes, glucose is 35 mg/dL, and protein is 3,900 mg/dL.


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