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Sunday, December 2, 2018


A. Life-long therapy
1.        Phosphate (P04) solution 75 mg/kg/day 4-5 times a day (maximum 2 g) 15 ml = 10 mmol =300 mg
2.       Calcitriol 40 ng/kg OM X 3 months then 20 ng/kg (maximum 1 mcg) or Alfacalcidol 100 ng/kg OM X 3 months then 50 ng/kg (maximum 2 mcg)

B. Follow-up and Monitoring
1.        Six-weekly till biochemical parameters are stable (approximately 3 months) then 3-            monthly subsequently.
2.       Every visit:
a.       Parameters to be monitored:
·         Height (stadiometer)
·         Head circumference
·         Inter-condylar and inter-malleolar distances
·         Flaring of wrists, ankles, costochondral junction
·  Blood urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, calcium, phosphate, uric acid
         b.    Aim for:
·         Serum calcium >2.35 mmol/L
·         Serum phosphate >1 mmol/L
·         Serum alkaline phosphatase <500 U/L
·         Urinary calclum : creatinine <0.6
3.    Six-monthly:
    iPTH (Aim for <10 pmol/L)
   Urine oxalate : creatinine ratio (Aim for <0.268 mmol/mmol) If high refer to dietician
    Renal ultrasound (for nephrocalcinosis)
0-     Normal
1 -    Faint hyperechogenic rim around medullary pyramids
2 -    More Intense rim with echoes faintly filling entire pyramid
3 -    Uniformly intense echoes throughout pyramids
4 -    Stone formation: solitary focus of echoes at the tip of the pyramid with              acoustic shadowing)
4.    Yearly:
    Knee X-rays
    Orthopedic review
    Dental review
•  24 hour urinary protein excretion and creatinine clearance if there is nephrocalcinosis
    Bone densitometry (also at diagnosis)

C. Screening of siblings: Initially at 3 months of age, then at 6 months of age

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