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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Neurology SEQ for those pediatricians who wants to learn PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY

Neurology SEQ for those pediatricians who wants to learn PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY

A healthy 9-year-old girl is brought to the emergency room after her parents witnessed her having an unusual event shortly after going to bed. They reported hearing gurgling noises coming from her room. When they found her, she was sitting up in bed and unable to speak. She had jerking of her right lower face with excessive drooling. She appeared awake during the spell. It stopped spontaneously after 2 minutes. She has had a cold but otherwise has been well recently.
General Examination: Normal. 
Neurologic Examination:
Mental Status: Alert and cooperative. 
Language: Fluent without dysarthria. 
Cranial Nerves: II through XII intact. 
Motor: She has normal bulk and tone with 5/5 strength throughout. 
Coordination: There is no dysmetria on finger-to-nose testing. Sensory: No deficits are noted. Gait: She has a normal heel, toe, flat, and tandem gait.
Reflexes: 2+ throughout with bilateral plantar flexor responses.

1. Briefly summarize this case.
2. Localize the examination findings.
3. Give the most likely diagnosis and provide a differential diagnosis.
4. Discuss an appropriate diagnostic work-up.
5. Discuss the management of this patient.

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