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Monday, October 28, 2019


Answer 5 B

Although commonly referred to as “liver function tests,” the majority of serum tests measure the enzymes that are produced within the hepatocytes or biliary system but are not measures of physiologic function.
Serum alanine aminotransferase is a marker of hepatocellular injury and may be markedly elevated after exposure to hepatotoxins such as acetaminophen. Serum alkaline phosphatase may be elevated in cholestasis and also in conditions unrelated to hepatic function such as bone injury or growth. Ultrasound of the liver is useful for detecting changes in echotexture that may be due to infiltrative diseases, as well as cystic or solid tumors. It is not useful for evaluating hepatic function.
Conjugated bilirubin, glucose, ammonia, albumin, PT/international normalization ratio (INR), factor V, factor VII, and fibrinogen are all markers of hepatic synthetic function.
Prolonged PT and INR may be seen in both acute and chronic liver injury and, when present, suggest liver dysfunction.

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