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Wednesday, October 2, 2019



A healthy, 39-week gestation male weighing 3.5 kg is born to a mother who has chronic anemia. The infant’s physical examination findings are normal, and his hematocrit is 49% (0.49). The mother asks you about the need for vitamins and iron for her newborn son.
Of the following, the BEST response is that term babies need to begin iron therapy at
A. Birth
B. 2 weeks of age
C. 4 months of age
D. 9 months of age
E. No time

For answer click here 


A 12-year-old boy comes to the clinic for a physical examination prior to attending camp. He is generally healthy. He has a reading disability and has been diagnosed with attention-deficit disorder, for which he takes medication. On physical examination, his height is 167 cm (>97th percentile), weight is 45 kg (75th percentile), and head circumference is 54 cm (50th percentile). The arm span-to-height ratio is greater than the 97th percentile, and the upper-to-lower segment ratio is less than the 10th percentile. He has five café au lait macules measuring 5 mm or more. He is prepubertal. The remainder of the physical examination findings are unremarkable. He seems shy and does not establish eye contact with you during the examination.
Of the following, the MOST appropriate next step toward providing comprehensive care for this boy is to
A. arrange for echocardiography
B. order magnetic resonance imaging of the head
C. refer him to an ophthalmologist
D. request renal ultrasonography

E. send blood for chromosome analysis

For Correct option, click here.


You are reviewing the many different formulas available for infant feeding with a group of pediatric residents.
Of the following, the metabolic disease for which feeding with a commercial soy infant formula is MOST appropriate is
A. Galactosemia
B. Hereditary tyrosinemia type 1
C. Maple syrup urine disease
D. Phenylketonuria

E. Propionic acidemia

For Correct option, plz click here.


You are called to the nursery to evaluate a newborn who was diagnosed in utero with pulmonary atresia and ventricular septal defect. On physical examination, she is in no distress, alert, and breathing comfortably at 40 breaths/min. Aeration of the lungs is adequate. Cardiac auscultation reveals a normal S1 and a single S2 sound, and there are no murmurs. Her pulses and perfusion are good, although she has cyanosis of the hands, feet, and perioral area. Her oxygen saturation in room air is 75%.
Of the following, the MOST likely cause of her cyanosis is
A. increased levels of fetal hemoglobin
B. left-to-right shunting at the atrial level
C. methemoglobinemia
D. right-to-left shunting at the ductus arteriosus

E. right-to-left shunting at the ventricular level

For Correct Option, Please Click HERE. 


You diagnose necrotizing enterocolitis in a preterm neonate who has abdominal distention and blood in the stool. You decide that this infant should be placed on a 14-day regimen of parenteral nutrition.
Of the following, the micronutrient for which weekly monitoring is MOST recommended during this infant’s parenteral nutrition therapy is
A. copper
B. iron
C. phosphorus
D. selenium

E. zinc

For Correct Option, Please Click Here.