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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Cardiovascular System Examination Approach

Cardiovascular System Examination

General Observation
§  Look at the surroundings
§  Things connected to the patients
§  Observe any sounds “Prosthetic valve?”
§  Well or unwell (conscious, toxic, pain, …)
§  Respiratory distress: Count the RR “10Sec.X 6”
§  Growth & nutritional status
§  Dysmorphic features & Face
§  Colors (Cyanosis, Pallor, Jaundice)

§  Clubbing (Test if in doubt) Examine the clubbing if present (angel, curvature, fluctuation & degree).
§  Cyanosis (Cold hand)
§  Pallor (Compare pt.’s hand with yours)
§  Perfusion (Capillary refill)
§  Pulse (Equality, rate, volume, character. Femoral “leave to the end)
§  BP (at the end)
§  Others (Hand anomaly, stigmata of Endocarditis & Xanthoma ..)

§  Pallor & Cyanosis (Stick your tongue out)
§  Comment on Teeth
§  Sings of respiratory distress (Grunting & working Ala nasai)

§  Neck veins (Turn neck to your side & look to the other side)
§  Thrill (Suprasternal “Inform the child” & supraclavicular “Neck”)

Inspection chest
§  Scars (Raise arms up)
§  Precordial bulge
§  Visible pulsations
§  Dilated veins

Palpation chest
§  Apex (Both hands on the chest then, count the rib spaces & point the apex)
§  Thrill (in 4 areas & timing)

§  Parasternal heave (lift)
§  Palpable heart sound

Percussion chest
§  Upper border of the liver (if there is hepatomegaly)

§  Front basic 4 & total 6 areas (apex, Lt. LSB, Lt. Middle SB, Lt.USB, Rt. USB & Axillae) (Use the Bell for apex only & diaphragm for other areas)
§  Back "Below & in between scapula"
§  Change patient’s position
§  Lung bases for crackles
§  Comment (Heart sounds, splitting S2, added sounds & murmur)
§  Murmur (comment on 6 items)………… Timing (hand on pulse), character, site, radiation, grade & changeable

At the end
§  Growth charts
§  Femoral pulses “No or : Infant or Radiofemoral delay: elder child”
§  BP (4 limbs if suspect coarctation)
§  Other systems (Abdomen mainly for liver & leg edema … signs of heart failure, Rheumatic or endocarditis)
§  O2 Saturation
§  Offer to look at ECG & CXR

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