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Sunday, April 12, 2020

What is the risk for epilepsy after a simple febrile seizure?

What is the risk for epilepsy after a simple febrile seizure?

The risk depends on several variables. In otherwise normal children with a simple febrile seizure, the risk for later epilepsy is about 2%. The risk for epilepsy is higher if any of the following is present:
• There is a close family history of nonfebrile seizures.
• Prior neurologic or developmental abnormalities exist.
• The patient had an atypical or complex febrile seizure, defined as focal seizures, seizures lasting at least 15 minutes, and/or multiple attacks within 24 hours.
One risk factor increases the risk to 3%. If all three risk factors are present, the likelihood of later epilepsy increases to 5% to 10%.

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