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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Pediatric TOACS



A newborn male appears with jaundice due to Rh-hemolytic disease. The most common antigen responsible for Rh-hemolytic disease:
A. A 
B. B 
C. C 
D. D 
E. Null


The best diagnostic study for a congenital toxoplasmosis
A.  Urine culture
B.  Blood culture
C.  IgG for toxoplasmosis
D. IgM specific for toxoplasma by ISAGA (immunosorbent agglutination assay) E.  IgM-ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)


A 12-month-old boy is diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. He is drinking cow’s milk. The laboratory findings include all of the following except:
A. Reduced serum ferritin 
B. Reduced MCV
C. Normal TIBC
D. Elevated platelet counts 
E. Normal WBC counts


A 5-year-old girl went to a clinic for routine check up. CBC test results reveal hemoglobin (12.0), hematocrit (36.0), MCV (55), and reticulocyte count (2%). Most likely diagnosis:
A. Iron deficiency anemia 
B. Folic acid deficiency 
C. Thalassemia major
D. Thalassemia minor 
E.  Normal


A 12-month-old boy is admitted with meningitis. The boy is treated with third generation cephalosporin. The boys is kept NPO and intravenous fluid is given. After 36 hours, the boy drinks 240 mL of orange juice at a time. About 2 hours later, the boy developed a generalized convulsion for 30 seconds. The serum electrolytes result reveals Na 122, K 4, Cl 92, glucose 76, BUN 4, and creatinine 0.4. Urine specific gravity is 1027. Urine output is 0.2 mL/kg/hour. Most likely diagnosis:
A. Increased ADH secretion 
B. Diabetes insipidus
C. Pseudohyponatremia 
D. Laboratory error
E. Hyponatremic dehydration