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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Pediatrics TOACS: Orthopedics

A 2-week-old male infant is at a health supervision visit. He was delivered at term by vaginal delivery and was discharged from the hospital after 2 days. His mother reports that prenatal testing was normal. On physical examination in the newborn nursery, it was noted that his left foot was turned inward. The remainder of his examination findings was normal. The boy is otherwise healthy. Physical examination reveals a left foot deformity. The foot can be passively stretched almost to the midline, but it is not possible to dorsiflex the ankle to a neutral position.

Of the following, the BEST next management step for this neonate is

A. bracing with reverse last shoes
B. home stretching exercises with reevaluation at age 6 months
C. immediate referral to orthopaedic surgery for casting
D. referral to orthopaedic surgery for surgical reconstruction at age 6 months

Answer on Thursday 10 am.

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